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Student Information
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Course categories:
Agriculture / Technology Mandatory
Agriculture / Technology Mandatory / Year 7
Agriculture / Technology Mandatory / Year 8
Agriculture / Year 9
Agriculture / Year 10
Agriculture / Primary Industries
Big History
Big History / Unit 1 - What is Big History
Big History / Unit 2 - The Big Bang
Big History / Unit 3 - Stars Light Up
Creative Arts
Creative Arts / Stage 4
Creative Arts / Stage 4 / Year 7
Creative Arts / Stage 4 / Year 7 / Egyptian Canopic Jars
Creative Arts / Stage 4 / Year 8
Creative Arts / Stage 4 / Year 8 / HSC
Creative Arts / Stage 5
Creative Arts / Stage 5 / Year 9
Creative Arts / Stage 5 / Year 10
Creative Arts / Stage 6
Creative Arts / Stage 6 / Preliminary
English / Stage 6
English / Stage 6 / Stage 6
English / Stage 5
English / Stage 5 / Year 10 Course Outline
English / Stage 4
HSIE / Stage 4
HSIE / Stage 4 / Geography
HSIE / Stage 4 / History
HSIE / Stage 5
HSIE / Stage 5 / Geography
HSIE / Stage 5 / History
HSIE / Stage 5 / Commerce
HSIE / Stage 6
HSIE / Stage 6 / Ancient History
HSIE / Stage 6 / Business Studies
HSIE / Stage 6 / Economics
HSIE / Stage 6 / Geography
HSIE / Stage 6 / Legal Studies
HSIE / Stage 6 / Legal Studies / Preliminary Legal Studies
HSIE / Stage 6 / Legal Studies / HSC Legal Studies
HSIE / Stage 6 / Legal Studies / Syllabus 2010
HSIE / Stage 6 / Modern History
HSIE / Stage 6 / Religion
HSIE / Stage 6 / Society & Culture
Languages / Stage 4
Languages / Stage 5
Languages / Stage 6
Mathematics / Stage 4
Mathematics / Stage 4 / Year 7
Mathematics / Stage 4 / Year 8
Mathematics / Stage 5
Mathematics / Stage 5 / Mrs Clancy
Mathematics / Stage 6
Mathematics / Stage 6 / Preliminary
Mathematics / Stage 6 / HSC
Music / Stage 4
Music / Stage 4 / Year 7
Music / Stage 4 / Year 8
Music / Stage 5
Music / Stage 6
PDHPE / Stage 4
PDHPE / Stage 4 / Year 7 Health
PDHPE / Stage 4 / Year 7 Health / Year 7 Health
PDHPE / Stage 4 / Year 8 Health
PDHPE / Stage 5
PDHPE / Stage 5 / Year 9
PDHPE / Stage 5 / Year 9 / Health
PDHPE / Stage 5 / Year 9 / PASS
PDHPE / Stage 5 / Year 10
PDHPE / Stage 5 / Year 10 / Health
PDHPE / Stage 5 / Year 10 / PASS
PDHPE / Stage 6
PDHPE / Stage 6 / Year 11
PDHPE / Stage 6 / Year 11 / SLR
PDHPE / Stage 6 / Year 11 / PDHPE
PDHPE / Stage 6 / Year 12
PDHPE / Stage 6 / Year 12 / SLR
PDHPE / Stage 6 / Year 12 / PDHPE
PDHPE / Faculty Documents
Science / Stage 4
Science / Stage 4 / Year 7
Science / Stage 4 / Year 8
Science / Stage 5
Science / Stage 5 / Year 9
Science / Stage 5 / Year 10
Science / Stage 6
Science / Stage 6 / Preliminary HSC
Science / Stage 6 / Preliminary HSC / Biology
Science / Stage 6 / Preliminary HSC / Chemistry
Science / Stage 6 / Preliminary HSC / Physics
Science / Stage 6 / Preliminary HSC / Marine Studies
Science / Stage 6 / HSC
Science / Stage 6 / HSC / Biology
Science / Stage 6 / HSC / Chemistry
Science / Stage 6 / HSC / Chemistry / chem dot point summary
Science / Stage 6 / HSC / Physics
Science / Stage 6 / HSC / Marine Studies
TAS / Stage 4
TAS / Stage 5
TAS / Stage 5 / Year 9
TAS / Stage 5 / Year 10
TAS / Stage 6
TAS / Stage 6 / Preliminary
TAS / Stage 6 / Preliminary / Design & Technology
TAS / Stage 6 / Preliminary / Food Technology
TAS / Stage 6 / Preliminary / Community & Family Studies
TAS / Stage 6 / Preliminary / Industial Technology Graphics
TAS / Stage 6 / HSC
TAS / Stage 6 / HSC / Design & Technology
TAS / Stage 6 / HSC / Food Technology
TAS / Stage 6 / HSC / Community & Family Studies
TAS / Stage 6 / HSC / Industrial Technology Graphics
Software Training
Staff Notices
Sport / Students
Sport / Teachers
Student Information
Student Information / Year 7
Student Information / Year 8
Student Information / Year 9
Student Information / Year 10
Student Information / Year 11
Student Information / Year 12
Student Information / Student Leave
VET / Business Services
VET / Construction
VET / Furnishings
VET / Hospitality
VET / Metals and Engineering
VET / Primary Industries
VET / Primary Industries / complete hsc summary notes
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Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Student Leave
General Policies for Students
Important Policies that you as a student should be aware of.
Student Email Guides
Guides to using student DET Portal email.
Student resources
Helping students access resources.